The success of the Our Home campaign after only 14 months has been largely invisible to most of us. This is because the $450,000 payment toward our long-term debt was a financial transaction, and the renovation work done so far has been in the Gym and Chapel, spaces not used by most of us. That all changes this week. 

As you read this, pews and stained-glass windows are being removed from the Sanctuary for safe-keeping. Just as we did in the Chapel, the stained-glass windows will be cleaned and receive a cover sheet of insulated glass for protection before they are reset in new weather-sealed frames.  Acoustic panels will be installed across the entire parabolic ceiling to increase and sharpen the clarity of sound. A 75" TV screen will be mounted on the back wall so the choirs can see what we all see on the front screens. Lastly, we are replacing new light bulbs and installing new carpeting throughout the Sanctuary. The result will be a new look, improved sound and fresh carpet smell at the end of the project in mid-October. You can find photos of the progress and a timeline schedule of the renovations HERE.

In the meantime, you can expect chairs on our green carpet in the center two sections over the summer as the work progresses around us week to week. It should be both interesting and satisfying. Make every effort when you are in town this summer to be present for the progress as we worship God who is always there. Thank you for your stewardship of this, God's holy temple.

With thanksgiving for you,