As you will find in this e-Newsletter, it is now official that my wife, Rev. Cammy Gaston, will retire from appointive full-time ministry, effective January 1, 2024. I am excited for her. She will remain active in ministry as the article indicates but at a reduced pace, freeing her to direct energies into her dear friendships with her mom Joyce, her siblings and friends who are far-flung across the country. She will also be a regular face and presence here at FUMC Plano—her home church. Be sure to hear her preach at FUMC Plano on United Women in Faith Sunday on September 17.

As for me, there is also a new chapter coming that is not retirement. In a letter to our Staff Parish Relations Committee, key committee leaders, and staff, I shared my anticipation of the hopeful land sale in the next two months. That will set in motion a discernment process by our church of a new long-range plan that would change the landscape (pun intended) and a net of about $4 million. We will be good stewards of this money.

We also look forward to having one more major fundraising opportunity for mission parking for thousands of cars at this year’s Plano Balloon Festival on September 21-24. This will underwrite a strong mission presence for the next three years. These are exciting prospects for us moving forward this fall.

Yes, there are several “next chapters” waiting to be written and as we are faithful to God’s call upon our lives, they will be fruitful for the kingdom. I am most excited about YOU being part of it.

Thanks be to God!