... and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, like a dove ...
— Luke 3:22

Some have noticed it when they came and left church on Sunday by way of the Church Office doors.

Others have seen it now during the week.

We have a domesticated homing pigeon that has been hanging around the Burke Tree.

Pigeons are in the same family as doves. He (or she) is quite striking – white, black and gray – and does not spook easily. Healthy, he dons two plastic bands, one of which identifies it as part of the American Racing Pigeon Union (AU). We have left messages there with no response. 

In the meantime, Nancy, Stacy, and I have left water and various foodstuffs outside. However, the pigeon is quite content to peck around the base of the tree for anything it finds and shoos away any blackbirds that get too close. He seems quite content here. We have discussed the merits of caging it and someone keeping it, versus letting it stay free in the wild where it’s vulnerable to predators. We have not reached a conclusion.

For now I like to think of this pigeon/dove as a visible reminder that the invisible Holy Spirit can and does surprise us, by descending gently and softly out of nowhere. It’s a gift from heaven reminding us that God’s eye – and love – are upon sparrows, pigeons, and us. Like Jesus said of the Spirit, it is like the wind: you know it; you feel it; but you do not know where it came from or where it is going (John 3:8).

Thank you, Lord, for being ever-present with us, with our church, and with the future we cannot yet see. We trust you. In the meantime, we will keep tossing the birdseed. Amen.

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,