Last week it was the pigeon around the Burke Tree outside my church office.

This week, this little guy made a solo appearance in our garage. I have never seen a pigeon at our house before. Just like the Burke Tree pigeon, this one also had a lime green plastic band on its leg indicating its association with the American Racing Pigeon Union. Ironically, neither of these little guys moved very fast on the ground.

What correlates with their appearances a week apart is that last week we received the confirmation that our proposed land sale and development plans had been forwarded to the Plano Planning and Zoning Committee meeting on September 18.  With Murtuza Ghouse, the President of Serene Global, and two of his engineers sitting behind our Council Chair Kevin Clanahan, Long-Term Sustainability Chair Keith Landau, and me in Plano’s City Chambers, we listened as the vote on our proposal was announced, 6-0 in favor. We were only three minutes into the meeting. It was a surreal moment as we smiled, shook hands, and left the chamber. 

Three minutes, but our whole future is suddenly different. 

Our contract with Serene mandates that we close on the deal within 30 days of the City’s approval. We could close sooner. Our Trustees are working quickly to arrange for a contractor to build a new Yardbird Shed and storage units on either side of our Gym since Murtuza and Serene would like to start moving dirt as soon as possible. Within 30 days we should close on a contract that will net approximately $4.1 million for our church.  The lion’s share will reduce our long-term debt from $3.5 million to $750,000. The relief on our budget for 2024 will be noticeable. After various expenses, we will also have close to $600,000 in a Reserve Fund – something every church our size should have, but we have not. It’s an exciting time, especially as we enter into a Generosity Emphasis in October – Defying Gravity.

 Like those pigeons, God’s grace defies the gravity of our sometimes-somber expectations and surprises us. We have worked and prayed relentlessly toward this success for over four years and God has been faithful. Rejoice, O people of God!  Like those pigeons, God’s grace keeps showing up!  

P.S. It is not too late to show up and help park cars Saturday afternoon and evening to help raise some $20,000 for Missions – the last year we can make that kind of difference.  Thank you!