When several people asked me in December how we were doing financially, I said that God would do a great and cumulative thing through us. God did not disappoint.

A year ago, our Finance Committee and Church Council voted for a "faith budget" that had an $80,000 deficit built into it. It was the hope then that 2022 would show growth and growth in stewardship enough to cover that deficit.

Then we lost 30 members to death, twice our annual average of 15-17 members. The loss of faithful giving from those 30 members was not considered by your Finance Committee. We all also encountered the headwinds of rapidly rising inflation and recessionary fears. The result was an $80,000 deficit in the budget at the end of  November on top of the built-in $80,000 deficit for a total deficit of $160,000.  

We published this truth and made the appeal for an end-of-year Christmas offering from all of our members. In the midst of this, we also held a record-breaking Mission Market and also raised an additional $2,483 for relief work in Ukraine. By anyone's assessment, it was a tall order for a church that has always struggled to make budget. But God is always greater than our assessments.

The final bills are being tallied and last-minute gifts being totaled, but I have assurance from our Business Manager, Nina Davis, that we will have made up all of that $160,000 in December and maybe a touch more.  This positions us well for a year that could be even more significant still if we are able to sell about half of our unused property for approximately $4 million.  

Friends, God has done a great thing in the face of overwhelming odds – cumulatively through every one of you and your faithfulness to God's mission at FUMC Plano. Every person's contribution was essential for this remarkable success. I salute you. My heart is full and inspired by your love of God and of your church. Thank you. Let's celebrate this Sunday as we rejoice and remember the common bond of our baptisms – the grace of God through Jesus Christ. 

With love and appreciation,