God’s Spirit blows wherever it wishes. You hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. It’s the same with everyone who is born of the Spirit.
— Jesus (John 3:8, CEB)

No, I am not talking about the weather, though that would be nice. More significantly, I am talking about a change of seasons in the life of our church. I have said for some time that the Spirit is up to something for reasons I cannot explain except for the Holy Spirit. We have collectively sought to be faithful in worship and outreach as we always have, but something now is decidedly different.  

  • Worship attendance, in person and online, is up 10-31% in different categories since a year ago, with a strong increase in new young families and children.

  • Adult Sunday School participation was up 19% … in JULY. 

  • A hospitality training session had to set up two more tables for persons who “just came” to join this first-line ministry and were moved by heart-felt witnesses from people new to our church who felt the grace and acceptance of God here.

  • Our Mission Service Group has now successfully and professionally completed nine projects (in less than eight months) for people inside and outside of our church—all of its mission.

  • Our Church Council and Finance Committee both voted unanimously on what to do with the proceeds of a hopeful land sale. We are closely following what was presented to the church last November to reduce debt significantly while creating a sizable reserve for what is needed going forward.  

The wind is blowing; there is something going on that I will continue to attribute to the Holy Spirit working among us. Thank you for feeling that wind, and going where it nudges you for the sake of our common mission. To be sure, there are lots of opportunities in this new season. Amen.

 PS: Continue to pray for the approval process for the land sale.  The engineers and architects for the Buyer are working hard to satisfy the City of Plano’s questions in time for the planning and zoning meeting on September 5.