Taken from Psalm 31:24, the theme for the North Trexas Annual Conference this year was, “Be Strong, Take Heart. Hope in the Lord.” As has been the case here at FUMC Plano in 2023, so it was at this year’s North Texas Annual Conference. Every year it takes a proverbial village to make it run smoothly and with Christ UMC on Parker Rd. hosting, the other two Plano UMCs needed to help out … and we did!

  • Staff members Nina Davis, Paula Price, Jill Stoel, Ephraim Nitanga, and Doug Gray led a small army of volunteer ushers,  greeters and AV experts to welcome some 400 guests from around our Conference for the Laity Session on Sunday afternoon, with Bishop Saenz visiting.

  • Nursery ministers Barbara Edhlund and Rubi Hernandez, along with Theresa Zdorov, Lois Jackson, and Janet Bolodar, assisted in the Christ UMC nursery for opening worship on Sunday evening.

  • Lay Members Kevin Clanahan, Jill Stoel, Gavin Cox, and Joyce Craig represented FUMC Plano well in discussions and votes. Jan Samuels and John Shell were slated but unable to attend.

  • Church members Elliott Graves, Earl Amox and Connie Calhoun-Amox, Mark McLain, Blaine Gaston, and Doug Gray drove shuttle vans to help with remote parking.

  • And 14 members of our Chancel Choir joined with three other choirs for a glorious night of music at the Ordination Service on Monday night. Robin Kaufman Anderson directed the amassed choir as 14 new pastors were ordained or commissioned.

There was a spirit driven by the Spirit in a “conferencing” that was free of pastors and churches who did not want to be a part of the United Methodist Church, disaffiliating three months earlier at a Special Called Session of Annual Conference. Everyone at this year’s North Texas Annual Conference wanted to be there (#BeUMC). That readiness showed brightly in the participation, worship energy, constructive discussions, resolutions passed, and general goodwill as we moved forward for the gospel together. Thank you all for your prayers and participation; I was proud to be the pastor of this church and to serve our Lord’s commission alongside you. See you this Father’s Day in worship!

 Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,