Musing on two things this second week in Advent:

  1. I was surprised by the response to my throwaway line from my sermon Sunday saying Cammy and I would love to lead a group to the Holy Land. Afterward I had two couples say they were in if the trip comes together.  With Educational Opportunities, we need only 12 couples to make a trip, AND we could travel as an independent group.  Cammy and I took that trip years ago at Christmas – to Jerusalem, Galilee, the Dead Sea, Masada, and our view, understanding and interpretation of scripture has been wonderfully informed ever since. If you are interested, contact me at  If we have some rising interest, we will plan more earnestly, possibily for a trip in the spring of 2024.

  2. Caroling. There are few things easier, more fun, and more satisfying than running up to people’s doors, singing the first line of a few well-known Christmas songs, hugging an appreciative listener, and then running back to the car for the next stop of fun. Young and old, we will do that on Sunday night, December 18. Our staff is putting together a list of members who are shut-in at home due to age or ailment and will LOVE to see their church family come to sing and show them love. Register your intent to join in holy singing HERE.  

As I said last Sunday, this is such a magical season meant to be shared, especially with our church’s offerings which you can find HERE.  Plan on attending every Sunday and Christmas Eve and invite a family member, friend, associate, or neighbor to come with you. You will be glad you did!

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,