Imagine my surprise upon seeing Julia Dolberry’s post to staff that attendance for June was higher than May!

May had a lot of high attendance events: Confirmation Sunday, Senior Sunday, and Mother’s Day.

June was summer, with Father’s Day thrown in, and dads never receive the fanfare or attention that moms do!

So what’s going on? Hard to know, but worship attendance – both in house and online – has been trending up so far in 2023. I keep saying that the Spirit is up to something. New people continue to grace our doors, and we work hard to welcome them with follow-up and invitation. One couple came and said, “We just like it here. The worship feels spiritual and authentic.” 

I told her we didn’t know how to be anything else.

People have been coming to our #BeUMC101 class (another one this Sunday at noon; you can RSVP HERE!) and people of varied ages are joining our church family and finding a place to serve and nurture significant relationships – with God, with new friends, and with the community we serve. I credit our staff, but I credit you as well for “lowering the drawbridges of your hearts” and inviting “one more” to come across into the arms of grace here. It’s what we do, and when we do that faithfully, “they will know we are Christians by our love.”  

THAT is how that happens. 

See you Sunday in person and online and for communion together!

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,

PS: CALLING ALL GUYS! In need of a few strong hands to assemble the stage in the Sanctuary for the Patriotic Pops concert on Tuesday! Meet at the church tomorrow morning at 9! See you there!