When we completed the graveside service for Jan Samuels at an historic cemetery off Country Club Rd., I paid my respects to Betty Thompson. Like Jan, “Ms. Betty” was a beloved and respected leader at FUMC Allen where Cammy and I began ministry 38 years ago. For years Betty was a counselor for our senior high youth. She couldn’t ski and she wouldn’t hike, but Betty was always along for the ride, watching people’s stuff, having fun, and loving on our youth (the best kind of counselor!). One day I called Betty and asked what she was doing.  Some of us have an ego that needs to sound busy and productive to others when they ask that question. Betty simply replied, “Playing.”

No apology or justification; just playing. I think more of us would be healthier by claiming that plainly for the sake of our self-care and rejuvenation. The world is too darned self-serious.

I believe Jesus enjoyed playing. This is not documented biblically but his first miracle in one gospel is turning water to wine … at a wedding party. He gathered children around him. He summoned his disciples away from their work for respite. He regaled gatherings with storytelling. I think Jesus enjoyed playtime. 

There are a lot of images out there of Jesus as people imagine them, usually in their own image, be that white, black, Hispanic, or Asian. Often those images are more somber. However, I prefer those that are lighter-spirited, with Jesus even laughing for it comes from an abiding spirit and deep knowledge of who it is that finally has the last laugh – our God, and not at someone’s expense, but in joyful, loving delight in all of God’s children.  

Cammy and I are heading off to Colorado tomorrow to play. I will not be checking email so as you have needs, prayers and ideas, contact Judith, Gayle and our wonderful staff, half of whom return this week and will love you well. In the meantime, I wish YOU playtime this summer. 

By the power of the Spirit, may you be renewed!