
Last week, I had a glimpse of heaven! I had the privilege of visiting the home of Marty and Sharon Berryman, which means I was right in the midst of God’s creation! For 33 years, Marty and Sharon added to that creation with horses and donkeys* and much, much more. The home to their horse Romeo and Romeo’s predecessors smells of fresh cut hay and good care with names of all who have lived there carved in wood above their stalls. Once a horse or donkey has been rescued by the Berrymans, that horse or donkey never leaves their home, even after death. It is four acres of tender, loving care and a dream come true, a dream for which Sharon is grateful each day of her life.

Marty and Sharon spent last November 20th in worship, and helped decorate the church for the coming Christmas season - part of the many ways they had dived into service here at FUMC Plano. Afterwards they headed home to watch ball games on what would be their last day together. The slice of heaven that I visited last week requires lots of work and care; at the same time, it is an inspiration for Sharon and an affirmation of God’s good creation.

Thank you, Sharon, for sharing it with me and with so many. I can still smell the hay and feel the soft face of George as he ate the carrots out of my hand – and ultimately Oscar came for a nuzzle!  That precious time was my devotional for all of last week! 

Sharon is still on our usher team. May each of you find that space that affirms God’s good creation, wherever that may be, and that place to dive in and serve. 



*Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue