As I walked among, talked to, played with, and praised God alongside over 180 children at our Vacation Bible Camp this week, I felt the tremendous responsibility we have, not only for the discipleship of these youngest believers, but also for their safety. It is a responsibility shared by teachers and administrators in our schools, especially in light of the mass killing in Allen less than a month ago.

As these kids wore their VBC t-shirts, I wore mine from a different source that read, “Love Takes Action.” These were made available to those who gathered on May 22 at Suncreek UMC in Allen to discuss what area churches and citizens could actively DO in the wake of that hateful tragedy on May 13. For a summary of that meeting and outcomes, go to

 Additionally, I am serving on a Conference work group that is fashioning a legislative proposal for our North Texas Annual Conference which begins this Sunday night. There is little in it that does not align with sensible gun laws that the United Methodist Church (and a majority of Texans) support for the safety of us all, especially our children. Our hope is that our Conference (equal number of clergy and lay representatives) will say loudly to anyone who is listening, “love takes action!”

As Jesus said in healing a blind man, “While it’s daytime, we must do the works of him who sent me (John 9:4).” As you have thoughts and hopes on this issue, reach out to our lay representatives to Annual Conference:  Kevin Clanahan, John Shell, Gavin Cox, Joyce Craig, Jan Samuels, and Jill Stoel. They represent YOU.

Blessings upon you and upon our kids. 

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,