This past Sunday Dr. Gayle Landis warmly ushered us into the Christian New Year which always begins the first Sunday of Advent. In her sermon (you can hear it on YouTube HERE.) she took us back to her grandma’s nativity set and described how she would tell the story of the birth of Jesus. When Gayle sent us forward to “tell the story” ourselves, she could have said, “Happy New Year,” for indeed it is, and then telling the story of Christ now becomes a New Year’s resolution. Here are a few more I want to suggest for all of us as we journey toward Bethlehem again this month.  

  1. Send a card or pick up the phone and contact someone who has lost a loved one this year; take them out for coffee. You will lighten their load.

  2. Pray for those who irritate you – in the moment they irritate you.

  3. Volunteer to help a person, a family, or an organization.

  4. Spend at least 15 minutes daily pondering God’s grace and gifts in your life, and be grateful.

  5. Worship God in person all of December unless you are physically unable to do so. It really is different in person.

  6. Invite a neighbor, work associate or friend to come with you.

  7. Sing boldly the songs you will know; this makes God smile as we worship God.

  8. Commit the first part of your income to God in December and January.

  9. Watch a favorite Christmas special, or two or three … (I’ve already watched “Elf.” Next up: “Charlie Brown.”)

  10. Hang some lights and smile.

  11. Take cookies to that neighbor you have been meaning to meet.

  12. Put down your phone and read an inspiring book.

Twelve – that’s about right, and you will have more. New Year’s resolutions begin with healthy repetitive steps and then become habit. That is my hope for this church family I love and want to be with this season.  See you at the communion rail this Sunday – together!

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,