They were all together in one place ...
—  Acts 2:1

I have been saying this to staff and lay leadership, and now I am saying it to all of you: I ask you to pray. 

This is so biblical, whether it was Moses and the people Israel at the Tent of Meeting or the first converts to Christianity gathering in an upper room—in the presence of God they came together in prayer. We are now at a similar point of importance and a new beginning.

All the architectural and engineering drawings have been submitted for the second run-through with the staff in the Planning & Zoning Department (P&Z) of the City of Plano. They will provide a few more comments with questions by the end of this week and our joint teams will submit them again by Tuesday of next week. If recommended by P&Z, it will be considered at the City of Plano meeting on Tuesday, September 5. We hope the recommendation will be positive. If that happens, we will move to close the proposed sale within a month. Both the Buyer’s team and our Seller’s team have worked diligently and collaboratively for several months on this project. Our Church Council Chair, Kevin Clanahan, has done yeoman’s work in shepherding the project and keeping the lines of communication open. I ask you now to pray for our work and our City planners for continued synchronicity and synergy that will result in the City of Plano’s approval on September 5. 

God honors our faithfulness. Thank you for yours.