You know you have a great church and staff when you are gone for 10 days without communication, not even an email or text, and you come back to discover:

  • The highest attended Sunday for July was when your Crossfire youth preached and witnessed to what God did all summer long through their hard work.

  • You as pastor are to baptize and receive a young man into the membership of the church your first Sunday back. 

  • 15-20 adults have been vitally involved in life-changing mission work locally.

  • When a neighboring church is fire-bombed, FUMC Plano members step up in solidarity with them and for them with a free will offering of $2,500 to help them with repairs.

  • Your lay leaders worked hard to help ensure that all documents for the City of Plano are in order and submitted in a timely fashion. We now wait for a hopeful recommendation by Plano’s Planning and Zoning Committee on September 5.  

These developments nearly brought me to tears upon my return. I am so proud of our church family and staff.  Even with 105-degree days, I can honestly say, “It is good to be back!”