2019  -  31

2020  -  21

2021  -  28

2022  -  36

2023  -  202

That is the number of mass killings in the U.S. year by year according to the Gun Violence Archive. The 202 number in 2023 is year-to-date, and we are only a third of the way through the year. 

This phenomenon does not happen in any other country in the world. It only happens in the United States. As someone who began his married life and ministry in Allen, who knows the Allen mayor and his family (good United Methodists), and who loves that community and that church, my heart cries out in the wake of the walking, shooting, killing hatred of last Saturday.  I hear Jesus’ angst, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her winds, and you were not willing” (Matthew 23:37-24:2).   And yet …

And yet, Jesus sent his disciples and all believers to proclaim peace and to build a kingdom of justice where the children can gather safely, confidently and without fear. 

The most common remark I heard past the many tears of last Sunday was variously, “When/what will we/someone do something?” It is a question that deserves an answer from our congregation, from our denomination; indeed from all Christians – regardless of political stripe everywhere, because people are dying and because the Prince of Peace is our Lord before all other loyalties. In this moment I do not yet know what that is, but that we must move beyond thoughts, prayers and consolations I am quite sure. We have posted resources on our website to begin the long healing, but we must also enter a long conversation about steps we must take to put this cancer into remission. Hope is essential, but it is not a strategy. Let’s begin that conversation now because, “someone has to do something” about this.  Lord, have mercy upon us. 

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,