My son, Blaine and I love going together to see the latest Marvel (and occasionally DC World) movie releases. Regardless of the hero and sometimes too predictable plot, we nonetheless enjoy the drama of good versus evil led by our hero.

And while it is satisfying to see our hero win in the end, it is more satisfying still to see the hero's people come running to help. Whether they are from Wakanda, or Gotham, or Metropolis, or Earth, or Hogwarts (Rowling), or Middle Earth (Tolkien). Against all odds, the people find unexpected strength and determination as they look with hope to their hero. Correspondingly, the heroes are inspired and encouraged when they see the courage of the people who come running to help.

We have just passed, "Christ the King" Sunday when the church officially declares the Christ as our ultimate hero. This Sunday we begin Advent when we ponder what our response will be to the King who is coming into our midst in the form of an infant and beckons us with his cry to follow him into the fray of life outside our comfortable confines. Our hero will lead boldly, clearly, courageously, and sacrificially for the church and the world that our hero loves. Will we?

The questions we must ponder during this Advent season are, "Will we come to his aid? Will we come to his cause? Are we willing to sacrifice for a mission greater than ourselves as our hero does? Will we come running to help him?"

If the answer is yes, then great will be the angels’ chorus come Christmas. O come, O come Emmanuel … and us with you. Amen.