Fall Offerings

Disciple I: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study is a 34-week program (in 6-week segments) that covers the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. It includes daily readings and weekly group discussions, helping participants deepen their understanding of the scriptures and grow in their faith. Join Tim Hopson on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. in room 113 beginning Feb. 3! All participants are responsible for getting their own Disciple 1 Study Guide. If you have questions or need help, contact Rebecca Grogan, (469) 831-7456

Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School classes at FUMC Plano are intended to give members a chance to affiliate with a small group for learning, mutual support, and service to the church and community. Each class has a different size, character, and learning style. New Sunday School classes aimed at other demographic groups will be started throughout the year. Keep checking this page for news of new Sunday School classes.

Below you’ll find a listing and description of the current adult Sunday School classes available. If you’re looking for a group to join for learning, making bonds of friendship and support, and mutual service, consider joining one of these classes. If you’re not ready to make that commitment, you’re always welcome “just to visit,” too! Contact Rev. Rebecca Grogan for information regarding Sunday School classes.

Disciples in God’s Grace (D.I.G.G.)
40s-50s, Room 211
The Disciples in God’s Grace (D.I.G.G.) class is a compassionate and loving class, diverse in life experiences and passionate about our love of Christ.  We have fun and lively discussions around the topics we study, which range from current life and spirituality, growth both spiritually and secular, and in-depth studies of the Bible.

Eleventh Hour
60+, Room 210
The 11th Hour Sunday school class is comprised of individuals and couples who are interested in extending our faith journey through lessons, studies, book and video based instruction. We are discussion oriented. Lessons are led by various members and by outside leaders. We have two outside socials per year that are get togethers as well as fund raisers to support our various philanthropies. The average age is 70s although we have regular attendees ranging from 30s to 80+. We are welcoming and are always interested in adding new members. We try not to be too serious and enjoy each other and exhibit a well developed sense of humor as a group. We love and support each other as we are passing through our life experiences.

Families in Faith
40s-60s, Room 219
The Families in Faith began as a group of families with young children. Now most members have college-age or older children (and grandchildren) and have both married and single members. Class members also support or participate in mission/outreach programs each year. Their weekly class typically includes sharing joys and concerns and a lesson, usually led by a class member. These are typically a multi-week study of a published curriculum or book and often include a video series. Studies range from traditional Bible studies to contemporary Christian topics.  Some members also develop original curriculum about topics of particular interest. This class is full of laughter and with lively and spirited discussions.  All are welcome!

First Ladies
Adult Women 35-65, Room 116
Adult women gather to learn from Scripture with lively interaction.

Growing In Faith Together (GIFT)
40s-50s, Room 207
A fun class for families with children from elementary school through college ages. Come enjoy lively discussions in Bible study, family spiritual growth, Christian parenting and marriage topics, community charitable missions, and of course, socializing and fellowship with one another.

60+, Room 216
This class is made up of both singles and couples of varying ages. A friendly and welcoming class, the Inquirers prefer Bible studies using a video and a book. Once a month they have a covered dish luncheon and game day at a member’s home.  

Purpose Seekers/Reflections
50+, Room 228

A group of older adults exploring the fundamentals of Christian faith and spirituality through discussions that promote Christian living and purpose. They use DVD studies as a starting point for their discussions. Teaching duties are shared among willing members. This class participates in many outreach activities.

20-30, Room 221
Judgment-free sharing of thoughts, experiences, growth, life, and fun for young adults

The Crux
20s, Room 213
The Crux Class is a vibrant community for college freshmen, whether they’re local students or those returning home for the weekend or holidays. This class offers a welcoming space for young adults to reconnect with old friends, catch up on life, and build meaningful relationships during a time of transition.

The Mix
20s-30s, Room 215
The Mix is a group of adults born in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Many of our members have children of varying ages. Our discussions revolve around current topics and how to navigate this thing called life through the lens of God’s grace. We don’t think of ourselves as a class, but rather friends and family. We enjoy a monthly lunch out and events together like volunteering and our annual Christmas party.

50+, Room 112
Most of the Vangard class members are in the 50+ range, both married and single. Class structure and organization includes a rotating president, treasurer, prayer and praise list, roster update list and various members handle special events and projects. Class studies are led by various members of the class, and from time to time outside teachers lead in certain studies. This is a class that participates so discussion is encouraged. They have occasional social activities and participate in outreach and mission projects such as Plano Santas, School Supply Ministry, Youth Mission Trips, Reach Out Honduras and others. They welcome anyone who would like to attend and join their class. 

All Ages, Room 217
Looking for a new Sunday school class to participate in? Come join us and find out what we have in common together while we explore our faith.

Older Adult Ministry

MONTHLY GATHERINGS If you are retired and actively seeking a group of people that you can share life with, then the Older Adult Ministry at FUMC Plano is the place for you. This ministry provides an opportunity for fellowship and fun through interesting speakers, entertainers, and other events.

Find out how you can get involved. Contact Connie Calhoun-Amox, ccalhounamox@fumcplano.org.

 United Women in Faith

The women in this group are active in serving the world through various projects, activities and events. Find out how you can join their causes and become involved in making a difference. LEARN MORE