Have you been eager to put your missional skills to work in our international community? Reach Out Honduras will be traveling to the Abundant Life Institute (ALI), a Christian school for 7-12 grades. Join us Feb 9 at 4 p.m. on Zoom for details about this life-changing mission opportunity. Not able to attend? Please contact Stacy Spears at sspears@fumcplano.org for trip details and questions.
Refugee Services of Texas (RST) provides resettlement services including housing, food, transportation, and ESL classes. FUMC Plano supports RST via donations of items in greatest need. Please consider donating items on their Amazon list. Volunteer opportunities are available at their office in Dallas.
UMCOR Early Response Teams (ERTs) fill a specific need in the early days after a disaster to clean out flood-damaged homes, remove debris, place tarps on homes, and otherwise help to prevent further damage, while providing a caring Christian presence. For more information on joining an ERT or leading the initiative to form a FUMC Plano ERT contact Leslie Harris or Debbie Ison. For information on upcoming ERT training sessions visit the NTUMC ERT site.
Mission Haiti
Teams from FUMC Plano have made several trips to Haiti since 2011 to assist United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) efforts to aid people impacted by the 2010 Haiti earthquake, help build a neighborhood church (Croix des Missions Methodist Church), and to distribute water filters through that church to members of the church and community.
From May 27-June 3, 2017, a group of young adults and adults from First United Methodist Church of Plano, attended a mission trip to Port-au-Prince, Haiti. This group assembled water filters for 125 families in Haiti and instructed the families on water safety and how to use the filters.
Photos from 2017 Mission trip to Haiti:

FUMC Plano PX collects snacks, toiletries for U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan. Need is high because local PX’s are closing as troops withdraw, leaving those still on the ground with few options for obtaining such items.
Contact Bill Downs for the list of specific items needed. Cash donations also accepted to purchase items or defray shipping costs.
Reach Out Honduras
Reach Out Honduras was formed to show the love of Christ through spiritual encouragement and physical provision in the remote La Moskitia region of Honduras.
La Moskitia is called the ‘Land of the Forgotten People’ – even by other Hondurans.
Reach Out Honduras is a charitable organization seeking to support the orphans, widows and vulnerable children of La Moskitia through 3 areas: Discipleship, Education and Sustainable Solutions.