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When are the Worship Services?
FUMC Plano offers two worship services during the summer months. The first is a casual blended/modern service at 9 a.m. and a Traditional service at 11 a.m. with the Chancel Choir.What should I wear to Church on Sunday?
Attire at FUMC Plano is whatever makes you feel most comfortable. You will probably see a little of everything, from suits and ties to nice jeans and a polo. We meet people where they are, so come as you are.Where do my kids go?
Nursery care is available at all three services for ages 4 and under. Sunday School is offered for K-5th grade at various times through the morning. Children are always welcome to sit with you in worship as well. A quiet room is provided with sound piped in, if they should get antsy.Where can I get information to take home?
There is a staffed Welcome Center in the Gathering Area outside the Sanctuary. You will find welcome packets and a person trained to help answer your questions.How do I find out what’s going on at FUMC Plano?
We have several opportunities for you to find out how to get involved and see what's going on. One way is to check out our upcoming events page on the website. You can also subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter which will send you the weekly events coming to your e-mail inbox.How do I get involved with choir or other musical groups?
FUMC Plano is blessed with an amazing music ministry that always welcomes interested people with talent and enthusiasm to join them. For information on these ministries, check out our Music Ministries.How do I find a Sunday School class?
We offer a variety of Sunday School classes for all age groups. You can stop by the Welcome Center for help finding a class. You can also find more detailed information at the Sunday School page for Adults, Youth, and Children.FUMC Plano is a large church. Will I find a place to fit in?
FUMC Plano is a large congregation with many members, but this allows us to offer programs that might not be available at smaller churches. You might consider scheduling a FUMC Plano Ambassador to show you around your first Sunday, help you find the right worship service and Sunday School class for you, and answer your questions. It's remarkable to see how small the church feels when you get to know a Sunday School class, Bible study group or other group of people in an area of ministry that's of interest to you.What do Methodists believe?
United Methodists profess the historic Christian faith. We hold true the mission statement of the United Methodist Church which is "to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." Here at FUMC Plano we do that through Deeper Discipleship.What is expected of members?
We expect members of FUMC Plano to be faithful to it by their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. We also encourage all members to worship regularly, grow in their faith by participating in a small group or class, to serve God with their hands by serving both in the church and in the world, and to give in proportion to your income.How can I join FUMC Plano?
If you are considering membership, your first step would be to join us for our next Methodism 101 Class where you will learn how to put God first in the way we live our lives and give our ourselves through our “prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.” These become expectations for members just as they were for Jesus’ disciples; and just as in Jesus’ time, it was not for everyone. But for those who chose to live that life of grace and giving with others, it was transforming. We invite you to do the same. Join Pastor Matt Gaston for this two-Sunday class.Ready to Join FUMC Plano?
If you are ready to join FUMC Plano, please click HERE to download the New Member Information form onto your computer, fill it out, save it, and then send it back to Pastor Matt Gaston or hand it to our volunteer at the Welcome Center in the Gathering Area on Sunday. If possible, add a picture of you and those joining the church with you for our files (a selfie will do the job). Otherwise, a church volunteer will take your picture on Sunday after the Service you attend. We will share the picture during our worship service announcement time.