They Are Leaders Now
“Then the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth,’ for you will go to everyone I send you to and speak whatever I tell you.”
I am so very proud of this year’s Confirmation Class. Sixteen students confirmed their belief in God and their life in the church. More than that, most of them are already actively living that servant’s life in and through FUMC Plano.
They usher.
They bag food for People Who Love People.
They help repair homes for those who cannot.
They sort clothes at the clothes closet.
They sell Valentine goodies to raise money for their mission trip.
They work the AV booth to bring worship to us all in the Sanctuary and at home.
They haul food donations and take them to God’s Pantry.
They help guide children at Vacation Bible Camp.
They assist at the annual Easter egg hunt.
They read well during our Maundy Thursday service.
How many of these are YOU involved in? See what I mean? This is an uncommonly strong group of leaders in our church now, and they will only grow more into leadership roles, just as the prophet Jeremiah grew into his calling. Like Jeremiah, that calling is lifelong and evolves. These students feel empowered because we give them opportunities to grow in their calling. I mentioned Erek Smith, who, only a few years removed from his confirmation, now sings in the Youth Choir, plays in the youth band and adult orchestra, and serves on our Church Council.
Our Minister to Youth and Families, Sarah Henson, and her counselors have done a terrific job of shepherding our students into more and more leadership roles. I thank her, Confirmation Class leaders Jennifer and Tim Hopson, and our mentors for leading this year’s class. You did it so very well, and we will see the fruit of that in the leadership of these young people for years to come. Thank YOU, church, for celebrating and supporting them.
With you in Christ,