“Water, Water, Everywhere …”

by Rev. Judith Reedy, Associate Pastor

The 227- year- old poem goes on to say, “and all the boards did shrink.” 

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge is a tale of crime, punishment, and redemption.  A Mariner shoots an Albatross (a bird of good fortune) and is gravely punished by an outside force for this act. However, by learning to love, the Mariner is partially absolved.

In 2024, we understand something of the cause and effect of water everywhere - right here at FUMC Plano.

On the afternoon of July 4, as we were preparing for our Patriotic Pops concert, we sustained a leak in the sacristy (see “before” on the left). The sacristy is right behind the choir loft and stores many seasonal paraments, banners, candles, and communion supplies in various cabinets.

Doug Gray, our Facilities Manager, immediately began the process of wading through and drying out the sacristy, and his brother Nick soon joined him to begin that labor-intensive job.  The concert was a rousing success, and most folks were unaware of the water leak.

In the coming weeks, members of the altar guild, staff, and office volunteers –and of course Randy Jennings–worked with Doug and his team to move and reorganize the contents of the sacristy (see “after” on the right).

Fast forward a month to the evening of August 6.  A water line break under the chapel coincided with a hot water heater break on the second floor, and we were in drying-out and remediation mode again! Point people were here immediately to see the drying-out through, morning events were bumped up, alternative locations were designated, and plans are being made for remediation. 

I am in no way implying that the above occurrences are tales of crime, punishment, and redemption. I am claiming, however, that this community is a place where we learn to rebuild as we work together, and in our work together, we learn to love.

See you on Sunday as our very own Minister with Youth and Families, Sarah Henson, brings a “fresh voice.”


Change and Context
