Senior High Mission Trip

All students who finished grades 9-12 in the 2023-2024 school year are invited to join us for mission trip as we head to New Orleans, Louisiana to work with Epworth Project. Epworth Project’s mission is "sharing God’s love working together to restore homes, empower people and change lives". We will be working with low-income communities and areas still impacted by hurricanes in the area, doing home restoration, building of ramps/fences and more!

Junior High MIssion Trip

All students who finished grades 6-8 in the 2023-2024 school year are invited to join us for mission trip as we head to Austin, Texas with U.M. ARMY. The mission of U.M. ARMY: is responding to the needs of our neighbors is our primary missional focus, but U.M. ARMY (United in Mission: Action Reachout Ministry by Youth) also provides an opportunity for youth and adults to experience Christian growth through service to others. Participants combine their strengths and resources to meet home repair and maintenance needs for low-income, elderly and disabled homeowners who are physically or financially unable to make needed repairs themselves.

Youth are invited to come help serve at our Vacation Bible Camp as teen helpers, followed by VBC After Party! After Party will consist of events with fun, mission and fellowship. Past VBS events have included water parks, serving at local food pantries, pool parties, movie days, bowling, etc. Details of VBC coming later this spring!

Bridgeport Mixed Aged Camp

We will bet attending Bridgeport Mixed Age Camp on July 1-5. Camp is open to students who have finished grades 6-12. A week at camp includes indoor and outdoor games, small groups, worship, s’mores, and more - you won’t want to miss one of the most fun weeks of the summer!