Treats for the Troops
Our FUMC PX collects snacks and small toiletries for care packages for our troops. You may drop off your donations in the church entry lobby or for home pick up, contact Bill Downs, 972-596-5486. You can also order your donations through Amazon and have them shipped directly to Bill at:
2709 Winfield Dr.
Plano, TX 75023
Items to donate include:
Baby wipes
body wash/bath gel
body lotion
ChapStick (brand only)
deodorant (men and women)
eye drops (individual)
foot powder
feminine hygiene products
handy wipes (Germex packs)
laundry tabs
lens wipes
razors (disposable)
shaving cream or gel
sun block
beef jerky/Slim Jims
breakfast bars
cheese/peanut butter crackers
cookies (Girl Scout)
coffee/hot chocolate (instant)
drink mix (Crystal Lite)
fruit snacks
hard candy
nuts: peanuts, almonds, cashews, pecans
popcorn (microwave)
sunflower seeds
snack bars
tea bags
trail mix
Monetary donations are always welcome to defray the cost of USPS postage of $16.75 per box. Checks should be made out to "FUMC Plano" with "FUMC PX" in the memo line.
We are changing the mission for the PX to a support members of our church with family in the military. This includes mailing cards and care packages so that our church can thank them for their service and pray for them. To do this, we need your help. If you have a family member serving in the military fill out the form above. We also have forms in the Gathering Area. Turn those into the front office.
To everyone at First United Methodist Church Plano, thank you so much for the care package! The snacks and crystal light are greatly appreciated and will quickly be consumed while we are out flying. We look forward to enjoying the popcorn when we watch movies in our downtime! Thank you again for thinking of me and for all of your support. We all really appreciate it!
-Lt. Michael Barney, Active Duty in Qatar