In just three years, Jesus invested in 12 men and countless others by participating in deep and significant, even life-changing, discussions. As you have read the gospel accounts, he was a master at engaging people in conversation that was curious, open-minded, compassionate and respectful of the other person. Personal stories became part and parcel of those conversations. 

Jesus entered into the personal lives of so many: his disciples, a lame man lowered through a roof, a rich man, a tax-collector, a woman accused of adultery, a woman he was not supposed to be talking to at a well; the list goes on. In all of his conversations, no one was put down or made to feel less valued by Jesus when he could easily and justifiably have done so.  Instead he always took the high road and honored them as the child of God they were, regardless of the charged, even political atmosphere with Pharisees, Sadducees, Pilate, and other Roman officials. Jesus intentionally made discussions meaningful and a vital step of discipleship.  

In our Blest Be the Ties That Bind series in August, we talked about and practiced the Bonds of Belonging. We learned the 5-10 Rule (5 minutes before and after the service getting acquainted with a new person within 10 feet) to exercise social muscles we have largely not used at church since the pandemic. As we begin to reach out to the stranger before, during and after worship, we may find that stranger may be a long-time member who we simply don’t know or who has not been present for a while. They need to feel welcomed, too!

During the month of September, we continue our Blest Be the Ties That Bind series with The Bonds of Discussing. Through curious, open-minded, compassionate and respectful discussion, we grow in our bonds with God as we grow in our bonds of understanding and compassion for others. We have several good venues to practice these conversations and several more are coming this fall. I hope you will participate; your life and discipleship will be richer as well as the person you engage.  Let the conversations begin!

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,