A “word cloud” created on March 20 during the 11 o’clock Traditional service with the use of mobile phones.

In our current Lenten series, "Navigating Change and Grief," we are exploring the sea changes we experience in our lives, and discovering healthy ways to navigate those changes toward a new horizon. To walk the church through this process, we are asking everyone to name and claim the "Order," "Disorder" and "Reorder" that goes on in all our lives and in our life as a church family.

A healthy way to do this is through the creation of "word clouds." Through the use of our phones during worship and the posters on columns in the Gathering Area, we enable everyone to actively name and claim the things and feelings associated with order, disorder and reorder in our lives now, in the past year and even decades as a church. This is healthy. It is the kind of work a counselor would have any of us do who are in the wake of loss and change.

Jesus was a great psychologist. There is a reason Jesus asked the troubled "demoniac," What is your name? (See Mark 5, Matthew 8, Luke 8). Once Jesus knew the name of the man's troubles, he had power over them. The same truth is used today in counseling. Once we can name and claim the hurt, the loss, the grief we struggle with, we instantly have power over it and are empowered to move on from it. That is our goal in this Lenten series, especially this Sunday when Tim Hopson preaches on “Disorder” and on April 3 when I will preach on “Reorder.” I hope you will join us online or in person. I think you will find our work together will be helpful.

See you at the healing place this Sunday.

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,