As I write this, I am hunkered down as you are, watching the ice accumulate on the trees creating a beautiful winter wonderland. The weight of the ice splits a large oak down the middle across the street, and one set of tire tracks has left our block. It’s my son's as he carefully drove 45 minutes to Home Depot this morning to help people with supplies they need. Cammy and I remain at home, Zooming our meetings and preparing for upcoming events like Saturday's Leadership Training, the Dixie Clem memorial and Sunday worship.

The work is the same but the setting feels so different with the hushed inch of sleet mixed with a bit of snow still coming down. It is as if my world has hit the "reset" button before moving forward again this weekend. In thinking about worship Sunday, I realized that once a month, we United Methodist get to push a "Reset" button when we fall upon our knees, not because we slipped on the ice, but because we kneel before our Lord.

Last week I challenged everyone in worship to think about one person with whom they need to be reconciled in their heart and then to forgive that person. Maybe be bold enough to ask that person for their forgiveness. Then I asked everyone to bring that reconciliation to the altar rail this Sunday. Sometimes in the liturgy we say, "If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and forgives us our sins." It is a pushing of the "Reset" button that empowers us to reflect, rejoice and restart. Here's to a little resetting – today as we hunker down and Sunday as we hunker together in praise and thanksgiving.

Breathe peace,