Some of our Senior High Crossfire Youth at Bridgeport.

I received this gracious “thank you” after Cammy and I spent two weeks with 41 of our youth and some 16 counselors on mission and community-building in Colorado. It was rich time building ties that bind. 

The same was true for our Youth Choir Tour last month and Bridgeport Camp for both our children and youth. Last week I was fortunate to have lunch with our senior high students at Bridgeport. It was wonderful to see Avery Spears and Emma Dobbs leading about 200 campers in prayer and announcements. The 10 other Crossfire Youth campers at our table talked excitedly about their week thus far. All of this is so gratifying as we work to rebuild relational connections and connectional mission and momentum going into the fall.  

This is the investment that we ALL are making in our present and our future with our financial, prayerful and participatory support. And it is easy to forget or become lax in that support during the summer.  I ask that at this mid-point, you check your heart and your giving schedule.  July is a wonderful time to share a little Christmas, especially in 100+ degree weather when the electricity bills are higher.  Moreover, you rest with a smile, knowing that you too are investing in our youth.  We make that giving easy and automatic - just like God's love. You can give and set up recurring giving here. Thank you.

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,