Astrophysicists now postulate that there is more “dark energy,” and “dark matter” (energy and matter that cannot be detected) in the universe than there is detectable energy and matter. It is estimated that everything on Earth and everything ever observed by all our instruments – all normal matter – adds up to less than 5% of the universe. Invisible black holes (the remnant of burned-out stars) exert such a gravitational pull that not even light can escape, but from our instruments we know they are there – in abundance. 

The same can be said for the gravitational pull of our consumerism; it is there in abundance, and we can’t even see it. 

When I give pre-marital couples a homework assignment to track their expenses, every dollar for a month, they come back astonished at how much money goes through their Venmo and debit card charges without them even being aware: the morning drive-through latte, the mid-day Big-Gulp with a fill-up, the impulse buy at a shop over lunch, the second or third meal out in a week with friends. The gravitational pull of our consumer culture to spend in the moment without thought is almost irresistible. Then at the end of the month, that same couple is surprised to see how their bank balance has declined and their credit card bill has grown, with interest, on things they don’t even remember buying and which brought no long-term benefit. 

For the next four weeks, we will discuss, “Defying Gravity” from a biblical and theological perspective. It’s important that everyone be present in worship either in-person or virtually. Jesus spoke more about money than any other topic because when used with discipline, he knew how important money was for the kingdom of God and our spiritual well-being. We have classes that will be studying together companion material on this topic each week. I think you will find it helpful.

We certainly can’t go into space, but we certainly can break free of the financial gravity with which our culture would bind us. I look forward to seeing you in worship this Sunday. 

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,