It’s always hard for me to say definitively that I have seen the Holy Spirit working without a little time and distance to look back and assess; I’m too busy “in the weeds” of the moment. However, there are moments when it seems the weeds are rustling a bit with a breeze I did not anticipate. I have felt that lately in distinctively different settings with distinctively different people that encourages me to think that indeed the Holy Spirit is at work amongst us. A few examples from my recent experience:

  • Our church rose to the height of her people’s belief by surpassing expectations financially for 2022; this still has people a little awestruck.

  • A first-time gathering of pastors with our new bishop from the Central Texas and North Texas Conferences generated unexpected energy and hope for our future together.

  • New families are coming to worship and really like what they are experiencing in our church NOW.

  • Lots of comments, questions, witness, and excitement around the Wesleyan Roots series that Cammy and I are teaching and preaching. Church has just “felt good.”

  • Our Finance Committee unanimously recommended a larger budget to account for inflationary cost increases of ministry for 2023.

  • Our church had more youth than any other church at the recent Mid-Winter Retreat at Bridgeport.

  • Movement continues forward on a proposed land sale.

  • Many attended an energized leadership training experiences here and at the District level at Grace Ave UMC in Frisco.

  • Dozens of adults, children and youth eagerly participated in mission activities including our Mission 20/20 event in the Gathering Area. 

Individually, any one of these could be considered a good thing and not all that unusual. All together, happening in quick succession and very positively, it’s kind of exciting.

Random happenstance or is the Spirit stirring among us? Too early for me to call that … but I pray daily for it, and I hope you do too.  

For the Kingdom’s sake,

PS: We are in prayer and our United Methodist Committee on Relief is working on behalf of those devastated by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Our communion rail offering on March 5 will go to this relief effort. Earmark your additional gifts for this cause, "UMCOR."