1. Land Sale Proceeds. We received signed confirmation last night that we will receive from our Buyer an additional and non-refundable $650,000+ in our church’s escrow account. This brings that total to over $1,000,000, with all of it applicable to the final purchase at closing now scheduled for early January. With the closing there will be an immediate reduction of our long-term debt from $3.5 million to $750,000. This will reduce our debt costs significantly in 2024. A full update will be sent to all members following the Church Council meeting on Dec. 11.  

  2. Estimates of Giving for 2024. We are running about $150,000 behind last year’s EOG at this same time. Your Finance Committee needs YOUR Estimate of Giving to do its budgeting for mission and ministry in 2024. You can fill one out electronically here.

  3.  End of Year Gift. To close the gap on giving for THIS year, please consider an over-and-above gift to God through your church. Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) can be forwarded tax-free. See Lori Kimbrell, our Accounting Manager, for that advantage.  

 Your church is finishing up an exciting year of growth in worship attendance, classes and most importantly, missional involvement that meets heart-felt needs in our community. By filling your church’s stocking now, you fund even more growth to go along with all of the excitement that will come in 2024. Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity. 

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,