Next to Holy Communion, Thanksgiving is the one table when we should all be gathered with one heart and mind. However, I am hearing anxiety among our people about their Thanksgiving gatherings of family and friends and how the layers of division will intrude and divide. Here are some suggestions that could help avoid that anxiety.

  • Focus on the array of ways to emphasize the fun and not the factions.

  • Invite folks to assist in the meal preparation and clean-up.

  • Stay curious about personal lives and growth rather than stances on topics.

  • Consider a joint prayer around the table where everyone has the opportunity to voice out loud what they are thankful for.

  • Share around the table: a favorite Thanksgiving memory, stories of those around the table and how they have made a difference in their lives, or what everyone is doing for self-care in this draining season.

  • Games and puzzles – few things generate positive regard and good fun like shared board or card games, a 1000-piece puzzle or some outdoor games that everyone can do. 

  • Ask questions: What are they reading? What is happening at school or work that excites them?  What about their significant relationships? 

  • If necessary, pass out a short sheet – you can title it “Holy Gathering” – with ground rules or parameters for what this gathering is about and what it is not. Sometimes just setting the expectations can positively change the environment by lowering the anxiety of uncertainty.

I pray that the Spirit be invoked by you and invade the hearts and minds of your loved ones and guests and that this Thanksgiving be a beginning of more peaceful times to come. 

In the name of the coming Prince of Peace,