One of the vivid, tragic and inspiring images I still carry from September 11, 2001, was the billowing cloud of debris-filled smoke chasing people down the street running for their lives as the first of the Twin Towers collapsed upon itself. The inspiring part of that image is what sticks with me – several firefighters going the opposite direction into the cloud and toward the towers. They cast aside all concern for their own lives in order to try and save others. For that reason alone they are among the best of us, living out the gospel call to pick up their cross and lay down their lives for the other – including the stranger. 

This Saturday we remember the 9/11 attacks with “Together We Stand.” This memorial concert begins at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary (you can also live-stream it here). Twenty years later we remember those first responders in New York City and pay honor to the first responders now in our area. Some of Plano and Allen’s finest, those who keep responding and run into harm’s way to save lives, will be honored.

During the current pandemic, the Allen Fire Department was among the first responders making vaccinations available to the vulnerable public, even before hospital systems had organized their responses. When we were on long waitlists with our own doctors, many found they could go to a local fire station or Allen High School and be vaccinated. We continue to be in their debt as they put others first ahead of themselves and their families.  

To those brave men and women, along with every front-line nurse and doctor who keep responding and work fervently to save Covid-riddled patients, I say thank you; may God bless you and keep you and your families.

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,

PS: Thank you for your prayers for our Emmaus Walk beginning tonight and for church members Clay Richmond, Joel Allard, Larry Naeyaert, Preston Spigener, Tim Hopson, Greg Blakey and myself who are participating. To God be the glory of this time.