When I was settling the affairs of my father after his death, I had to ensure that all of his financial obligations were settled. As Executor I reported out regularly to my three sisters who, along with me, would receive equal shares of Dad's estate once his obligations were met.

I received push-back when I informed them that I was sending $5,000 to their United Methodist church. "Why are you doing that?" they asked. "Dad hasn't been there in a year!" I was surprised by their response, as this was the parent who taught us that you keep your word, that you finish what you start. So I simply said, "Because he said he would."

The success of our Bonds of Giving emphasis the next two Sundays needs everyone’s participation—not just some of our members— to take our covenant seriously to support our common ministry with our "prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness." We want to support a $2,000,000 budget in 2023. God will be pleased when we place God first in our spending and we are able to say, "I gave because I said I would."

See you this Sunday and be sure to bring your Estimate of Giving card!