In their prophetic little book over 30 years ago entitled Bonds of Belonging, L. Ray Sells and the Rev. Donald F. LaSuer prophetically wrote, "In an age of quiet isolation and impersonal relationships, people yearn to belong, to connect, and to be fully alive."

The last several years of political acrimony and pandemic has not served well our "yearning to belong, connect and be fully alive." Culturally we have become wary and hesitant toward persons we do not already know well and consider "safe." What is true in the culture is true in the church. Consequently while newcomers may be told they are "welcomed," they may not feel invited in to deeper bonds of belonging. In short, we have forgotten how to do what this church once called, "radical hospitality." This fall as we begin a new school year, we will work to change that.

Throughout the fall, we will talk about the ties that bind. We will begin with August talking about the various "bonds of belonging" and how to begin developing those and practicing those again. In talking about fellowship bonds, believing bonds, expectation bonds and servant bonds, you will be challenged to remember a person who made YOU feel like the most important person in the world when you walked in the door of the church. Then you will be challenged to extend that same welcome to others – often and reflexively.

It will feel strange at first, like a new exercise does, until it becomes more comfortable and eventually a habit.

It would seem silly if it weren't so vitally important to building healthy and satisfying relationships within the church. There is so much to anticipate and be excited about this fall in our church. It will be even better as we invite new people along to share it.

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,