Silly question, of course. We can't outgive God "from whom all blessings flow" and from whom we receive everything, beginning with our lives and loved ones. However, most of us can outgive ourselves.

Most of us can give more back to God through the church than we do. Biblically, the standard is the tithe, or one tenth of one's income (gross or net is up to you). In other words, percentage giving — the first 10% goes to God with thanksgiving and we live on the rest. In the United States, the average total charitable giving for all income earners is 2.4%. For Christians that number is 2.6%.

Every member will receive a letter in the next two weeks with an aspirational 2023 Ministry Plan and an Estimate of Giving Card as we reflect on gifts — and the bonds of giving. The Plan highlights some of the many life-changing ministries of 2022 and their respective costs going forward in 2023, including our new staff members and roles (Audio-Visual Director, Mission and Connection, and Adult Education).

Your Generosity and Finance Teams recognize the financial headwinds we are all facing. We also recognize that most of us are able to give more back to God, not because we make more, but because we choose to spend less in other places of our lives, thus elevating God's place. We cannot outgive God, but we can outgive ourselves, and this pleases God — and us in the process.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday as we worship God and explore The Bonds of Giving together.