While editing a letter from our Generosity Team (YOU can expect it in your mailboxes within a week), Rick Billings made the helpful recommendation to mention that our regular individual gifts are the primary source of funding for all that we do. The inference rightly, is that FUMC Plano is OUR church. The welfare of her mission and movement falls on ALL of our hearts and not just on those we think have more money, time, ability, etc. 

This church historically has never had many “deep pocket” givers as some churches do; but she historically has had a lot of “modest pocket givers” who faithfully decide to give regularly, and by God’s grace for 175 years now, that has proven sufficient to the mission’s need. That is why I am excited about our Laity Sunday this week.

 Across our United Methodist connection, Laity Sunday puts the primary responsibility of worship squarely in the hands of our laity to whom this church belongs. Under the leadership of our Lay Leader, Tim Hopson, nearly every facet of worship at both services will be led and conducted by talented members of our church.  It hearkens back to the early days of Methodism when the laypeople ran the church and the circuit-riding pastor made it around on horseback every few weeks to preach, teach, share communion, baptize, marry, bury, visit, and “equip the saints for the work of ministry” (Ephesians 4:12).  

I will not be on a horse this Sunday, but I will be circuit-riding to visit our youth, our children, and our adults—with coffee and donut in hand —discussing, praying and encouraging what God is doing in our midst in OUR church … all because of YOU and your prayerful and active support.  See you then!

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,