It has warmed my heart to see people spending time together in the Gathering Area … talking! And not just with the people they know, but with newcomers, new members, new soloists, and new guests. We are incorporating the 5-5-10 Link rule5 minutes before and 5 minutes after worship dedicated to engaging someone you don’t know within a 10-foot radius. Kinda’ silly (and kinda’ fun) as we are discovering – again.

There was a time when we more readily entered into substantial discussions with people to learn more about who they are and to reveal a bit of who we are.  Our muscles for deeper discussions, like our muscles for welcoming a newcomer, have fallen out of use at church over the last three years and we are discovering the joy of exercising them with one another again.   Each of our “Drinks and Discussion” experiences have surprised and uplifted people in the relaxed fun of discovery and rediscovery. There are many such opportunities coming in October.

 Our Lay Leader Tim Hopson and I will be leading a small in-person discussion group here at the church at 7 p.m. on Thursdaysbeginning October 6.  It’s entitled “The Colossian Way” taken from The Colossian Forum. The topic for ten Thursdays will be “Sexuality” as we discuss the array of issues around our LGBTQ sisters and brothers in a structured, faithful and civil way.  There is a workbook and a limit of 12 people who can register here.  

 Then Gayle Landis, our new Minister of Adult Education and Discipleship, will be leading “Tuesdays at the Table” – a Zoom discussion around an array of topics with videos of resource people informing those conversations.  These will be held over the noon hour beginning Oct. 11.  There is no cost, but you must register to receive the Zoom link HERE.

 Thank you for the willingness to be vulnerable and honor others’ vulnerability in sacred conversations and discussions. Our witness to a fractured world is made stronger by this good work.  Have fun with it … and remember to sign up to be a parking volunteer for the Plano Balloon Festival. It stands to be the biggest fundraiser for Missions that we have ever had.  

 Keep those conversations going!