As we expand the opportunities for structured discussions this fall, our Lay Leader Tim Hopson and I talked about collaborating on one together. We agreed we wanted to help moderate civil, Christian discussions in person around a topic that faithful, thinking Christians can disagree about and thus learn from one another. 

Given the conversations around the United Methodist Church on sexual orientation, we thought leading discussions about sexuality would be timely. After much research Tim and I decided to lead a discussion study called Sexuality, part of The Colossian Way series. This discussion-led class will teach us Christian practices engaging in disagreements. The discussions during our time together will be structured around sexuality and the differing experiences, expressions, and beliefs of that among heterosexuals and those included in the LGBTQA+ community. The creators of The Colossian Way are theologically trained scholars and conflict mediators. The hope is to help develop civil conversation again; the belief is that the church should lead in this. 

Join us in person on Thursdays at 7 p.m. here at the church for 10 weeks beginning October 6, finishing before Christmas. The cost is $15, and we are limiting the class to only 12. If you are interested, you may sign up here. Deadline to sign up is September 30.

Regardless of your position on the topic of sexual orientation, Tim and I hope you will consider taking part; we will all be richer if you do.

Keeping the conversations going,