Apart from the momentary instances of disciples worshiping God, the biblical narrative is not one of sitting and worshiping but rather going and telling and doing for those in need.

  • Jesus sends his disciples out two by two. –Luke 10

  • Jesus and two disciples do not stay on the Mountain of Transfiguration in worship but return to ministry. –Matthew 17, Mark 9, Luke 9

  • After an afternoon of teaching, Jesus commands his disciples, “You feed them.” –Mark 6

  • Jesus meets only briefly with the disciples post-resurrection before commanding them, “Go and make disciples.” –Matthew 28

 After Maundy Thursday communion and Good Friday (to which I urge you to come), we will gather with the risen Christ on Sunday and rejoice with glad Hallelujahs. But the real Easter is not finally found in our gathering but in Christ’s sending. 

 To this end, we will continue what has become a FUMC Plano tradition the weekend after Easter: Mission Together! We will be sent, we will go and do, and we will witness to the risen Christ in our love and ministry to others.  After only one worship service at 10 a.m. we will scatter in a number of directions that will reach many in our community and beyond. There are opportunities for every age and station. Check the link HERE to sign up, Then on Sunday, April 24, wear your grubbies (I will be in jeans and FUMC Plano T-shirt) and get ready to GO in the name of the risen Christ. It will be different, fun and faithful to our Lord as we live into our vision statement …

 Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,