Our vet treats with eastern philosophy (Who knew?). He said our rescue golden Shasta, by personality and dog type, runs "hot." This leads to health issues that are not helpful. With all of Shasta's eagerness, anxiety and naturally heavy coat, the treatment by diet and – wait for it – acupuncture is designed to "cool" her down for a more balanced and healthier life.

For reasons we all know, we come variously "hot" to the tomb this year, with energy and anxiety running high. We don't want to feel that way but we do, just as the women did who went to anoint Jesus' body.  Then the most unexpected words – wait for it – "Don't be afraid. He is not here; he is risen and goes before you." 

And suddenly their anxiety level dropped as fear turned to joy!  

That's a distinctly western philosophy that we have come to believe and, perhaps a little more this year, need to experience again ourselves. I invite you to come tonight for our very different Maundy Thursday service, as well as our Good Friday service and Easter Sunday services, to do just that.

Here's to a very "cool" Easter season,