First it was the emotions and tears expressed by several at their Maundy Thursday experience around the table.

Then it was the emotions and tears expressed by several at their Good Friday experience around song and scripture.

Then it was the words of appreciation for our church’s gift to the community told to us by many–a record 3000 people–who came across our campus Saturday for family-friendly fun and eggs.

Then it was a record 150 people gathered for Sunrise Easter Worship and Communion and over $1000 raised for youth mission scholarships.

Then it was over 250 people gathered for a moving modern Easter service at 9.

Then it was 435 people gathered for a glorious traditional Easter service at 11, including an adult baptism! 

Then add the online congregation and we had over 1,110 people in total worshiping with us on Easter!

Then there was the hospitality spread in the Gathering Area where people just hung around, got reacquainted, smiled and wouldn’t leave!

 We have not seen these numbers since 2019 and the common refrain was, “It was SO GOOD to be back in PERSON.”  There was a palpable and undeniable buzz in the air that surprised and comforted. 

What just happened?  The Holy Spirit happened!

 I thank our Staff and so many members who made this Holy Week indeed holy and all of you who contributed your person and praise to the proceedings. Most of all I thank God from whom all blessings flow.

Happy Easter to you all this season! Remember, we will unite in one worship service THIS SUNDAY morning at 10, dressed in our casual clothes, before we do what the risen Christ told his disciples to do: GO OUT in mission with all of this good news!  
