How would this fly at your house?

 Father: I would like a full meal each time I come to the table but don’t ask me to cook or buy groceries.

Mother: I would like a house that is clean, well maintained and open every time I walk in, but don’t ask me to vacuum, dust, repair or pay anyone to do that. 

Child: I would like to go to school when I feel like it, never make my bed and definitely not do any chores around the house.  

 The word, “economics” comes from the Greek word, “oikonomia” which means “household management” or “management of house affairs.” Growing up as a child and in our own home, it was a fact of life that everyone in the family of age had responsibility to help manage the house affairs. Opting out was a laughable non-option. Since its inception, the church has had the same understanding:  it’s the home of everyone in the family and everyone has a vital part in managing the house affairs.  

Over and against the 45% of Americans who contribute $0 to charitable causes, I challenge every member of our church to defy gravity by bringing an Estimate of Giving Card to the family table – the communion rail –this Sunday and join the the church family that supports its family. After all, it’s just basic (and biblical) home economics.

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,