In the bleary-eyed euphoria of the Rangers’ ironic World Series championship, it was heart-warming to listen to several interviews with long-time fans for whom this win exorcised painful memories from the Rangers’ 2011 heartbreaking loss in the World Series. More warming still were reflections by fans about their parents who took them to games when they were children.

One man talked about this father taking him to the old Arlington Stadium, teaching him the nuances of the game and pointing out good young players who would later become Hall-of-Famers. His father died in 2015, and the man choked up in the interview while saying he wished his father was still here so they could share this moment of triumph together. I reflected on what a gift this Series win was for that man on November 1 – All Saints Day.  

This All Saints Sunday we have the magical opportunity to get a little choked up ourselves as we remember and celebrate the triumph of Christ’s victory over death and thus our and our loved ones’ victory over death, even as we grieve their absence from us in person. They showed us and taught us the nuances of the faith – how to be in a community of “one Lord, one faith and one baptism,” working in common cause with one another like the Rangers did so well. 

All Saints Sunday is my favorite service of the year. Join us as we share the euphoria of our common resurrection victory while also missing those no longer with us in body. Our saints – like the Rangers – are a gift to us all who, for a season, unite us like few other things in this world do. Hallelujah!

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,