“Prime Time” is what real estate agents call the next few weeks for prospective home sellers and buyers. Halfway through the spring semester, families with plans to relocate are looking to purchase homes with plans to move over the summer just in time to have the kids ready for the new school year in the fall. The real estate agent is essential in this process, for getting to know her client, their needs and their preferences in order to find for them just the right home. The same can be said about people looking for a new church home.

There are two “prime times” for families thinking about a new church home and one of those also happens on Easter Sunday (in many cases, for similar reasons as stated above). Families are thinking about their options for the kids for summer and for fall. Easter is the prime time to go “shopping” for those possibilities. It is the reason we make sure our Easter publicity has opportunities for families after Easter; we want them to want to come back!

As with homes, an agent is essential: someone who gets to know the family, their needs and their preferences in order to find just the right church home. That person-to-person connection is of the upmost importance. Therefore, if you love your church, consider yourself a “church home agent.” If you know someone (or meet someone) who is looking for a spiritual home this spring, be intentional about getting to know them, their needs and their preferences. Then, if FUMC Plano fits the criteria, invite them to to join you for one of our services and give them the opportunity to meet some of our members. If it is of the Spirit’s nudging, who knows—they just might find their church home in time for summer and fall! Easter is just a bit over two weeks away. It is prime time!

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,