I thought that was the strangest notion until I was challenged with that idea three decades ago when Cammy and I started a new church. We were presented with the idea that you plan your will and estate to benefit those you love who will live on after you. It dawned on Cammy and me that this included not only our son Blaine but also the church that we had also birthed and loved. We wanted to support both after our eventual deaths and wound up including the church in our will. 

Since that time, the tools for “perpetual giving” have increased and enabled good stewards to create wills and trusts that benefit their loved ones AND their church and/or other charities long into the future. Since that first challenge, Cammy and I have revisited our will several times, always keeping our son and our church as future benefactors. 

We are experiencing the greatest transfer of wealth ever between generations in our country. So we are hosting an Estate Planning seminar at the church on Tuesday, May 9, at 6:30 p.m. It’s free and a light dinner will be served while attorney Jennifer Finch from the Weeks Law Firm helps you think about how to transfer yours, keeping in mind the people and the church you love. 

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,