Lately, our dog Shasta and I have been walking different routes to see what Christmas lights are still on. The 12 Days of Christmas may have ended 12 days ago, but the sentimental side of me misses the cheerful lights; dark streets with a few porch lights seems a bit sad by comparison.

Maybe that's part of why the liturgical calendar authors gave us the season of Epiphany (meaning manifestation) where the good news of God-present-with-us manifests itself in new and visible ways. Even without Christmas lights, I can already name a few:

  • the generosity of our members toward people in need as near as Plano and as far as tornado-ravaged Jacksboro;

  • the increase of people in attendance for worship and Rev. Cammy Gaston's class on our Wesleyan Roots;

  • a men's retreat already scheduled for November at Bridgeport Camp;

  • movement forward on our pending land sale;

  • an Emmaus event at our church with 31 registered and an upcoming Women's Walk;

  • a trip to the Holy Land already reaching the minimum required for a trip—without any advertising;

  • youth mission trips and a choir tour already on the calendar; 

  • a joint adult mission trip with another UMC in the works;

  • and the Cowboys win an away play-off game.

No, scratch that last one. I don't think that counts as a manifestation of God's activity. More on that this Sunday as we talk about "Free Will vs. Predestination." In the meantime, I will walk Shasta and be grateful for the spare porch lights which, like the spare green blades of grass and sprouts, hold the promise that God is still alive and active in new ways in this new season.  

Grateful to God and grateful for you,