In an insightful post on The Christian Century website, the Rev. Peter Marty shines a light on how "Weather Alerts" and "Breaking Weather News" now consumes an average 30% of the 30-minute news segments. As with news in general, the anxiety about possible quarter-sized hail in your area SELLS. We check and re-check our weather radar of choice to see if lightning might light up our neighborhood skies!

Marty's observation is that when we spend so much time and energy on what MIGHT happen, then we may miss what already IS happening. We neglect to interact with people around potentially losing the opportunity to make a positive difference for those who need it. Jesus was adamant that while we can tell the signs of clouds and rain, the really important signs are those of Christ's in-breaking kingdom (Luke 12:54) right in front of us.

Here's to the Easter season and our being "Kingdom Aware."