It’s not every week that you get to be part of a book signing by an author, still less often when she is one of our own. But we have both this Sunday as member Cindy Boatfield shares her just published book, We’re Going to See God. She’ll read during Children’s Time and will sign copies available for purchase in the Gathering Area. It’s a delightful book that raises the question, “Where do we expect to see God?” In an anxious and fractured world, it’s an important question. 

I won’t give away Cindy’s answer to that question, but I will suggest we each ask ourselves, “Where do I expect to see God?”

We often reply “God is everywhere,” but how often do we act as though that is true? If we really believe that, and really expect that, then I think our thoughts, our words, and our actions will more often reflect that. If we believe God is everywhere and in everyone and everything, our treatment of people different than ourselves and of the environment around us will be kinder, more considerate and healing than what we experience.  

We just observed a very special All Saints Sunday when we remembered individuals like Virginia Bontz, Jerry Wyatt, Mary Lynn Murrell, Norm Stephens, and Marty Berryman to name only a few, all who inspired us by finding God everywhere and in everyone around them. As we now turn toward Thanksgiving and Advent, now is our opportunity to intentionally do the same because after all, “we’re going to see God.”  

See YOU in worship this Sunday.

Connecting God and Grace to Self and Community,