Fasting is an ancient practice across the world’s great religions. Fasting from food for a dedicated period of time creates space for God to fill in new ways, creating new awareness and life within us. It breaks us from our usual rhythms so that we can create new rhythms with God. Fasting pushes us in various ways to heed God’s call to us in Psalm 46: “Be still and know that I am God.” Last night, our Ash Wednesday service began differently with silence and waiting and prayer that we might walk this Lenten journey with a more open stance.  

But as Jill Stoel reminded me, fasting does not mean only “going without.” It can also be an “adding to.” For her 40 days she will engage in an online daily Lenten devotional she found. This is a new rhythm for her that will no doubt have good effect. 

Whatever it is for you, I encourage you to go without or add something to your rhythm for Lent. When we walk with Jesus in his 40 days in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11), we have the opportunity to ask him, “What is it you need me to be for you NOW, O Lord?”  This walk does not stay static, but evolves with the season of our lives.

I will be interested to hear from you what you learn from your Lenten “fast.”  Email me! In the meantime, remember:  Sundays are the exceptions to your “fasting.” Personally, I will enjoy a bowl of ice cream on Sunday nights! 

May you be surprised and blessed by God in your walk this Lent.